Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

enough im stuck with it liar

dah2 la..
mls nk lyn ayt mitos korunk nie byk sgt cite..
ye korunk memang hot pon!!
tp xpyh nk tipu org..
kalau korunk to memang la ske je maen kn perasaan manusia2 ni kn..
pe la nk jd..
mampos la korunk mls nk lyn

give me back my old:(

people around me said i totaly change.
dat i'm rite?
smua tahyul gile..
tp de sket la..
aq rase..
tp serious aq ckp aq m.i.a yg korunk kenal dlu xpnh brubah la weyh..
aq org biase gak xpnh wat silap..
mungkin la de la silap sket..
xkn korunk nk blah cm 2 je..
xpe la..
korunk pon da senang..
mane nk ingat mmber yg tgh ssh..
pe pon xbley kn..
slah org korunk nmpak..
tp slah sendiri.?
tuhan je la yg tahu..
aq rindu kwn2 aq yg lame..
mane korunk?


pe je tajuk nk wat presentation..
pening2 nie..
pe je nk wat nie..
de souurse tp aq da lupe nk wat hyperlink..
tolong mak abah
makcik tipah,makcik gayah..


yeah :D
smua mgikut ramalan:D
final uefa at rome,italy
mu vs barca..
sori syg..
chealse is not good enough to beat barca..

Monday, May 4, 2009

yeah!exam lu:D

1 paper je..
tp de presentation lol:D